
Location:PRODUCTS >> Metallurgical valve >> Explosion-proof valve
Explosion-proof valve
Model: FBF-1
Nominal diameter: DN200 ~ 800mm
Nominal pressure: ≤ 0.1Mpa
Medium: compressed explosive gas
Temperature: ≤80 ℃
Main material: carbon steel, aluminum
Flange Standard: GB / T9115-98
Connection Size: GB2555-81PN2.5
Detection method: GB / T13927-92

First, the product works and uses

Explosion-proof valve is suitable for building materials, metallurgy, chemical industry, electricity and other departments, as a pressure relief explosive gas pipeline equipment for compressed explosive gas, the working temperature 300 ℃, the use of pressure 0.1MPa. The valve is welded steel structure, simple structure, light weight, reliable performance. The valve by the valve body, bursting disc, gland and other components. Mainly from the protection, to prevent the occurrence of safety incidents, belonging to the hydraulic system of the lock, tight measures. When the system pressure is greater than 0.1MPa pressure, the rupture disc ruptures itself to prevent the system from exploding.


Second, product performance parameters

Suitable media proper temperature use pressure
Compress explosive gas ≤80  ≤0.1MPa


Third, the main parts of the product material

Part Name Body Bursting disc cap
material Carbon steel Aluminum alloy Carbon steel

Explosion-proof valve main dimensions (mm)

A × A B × B C × C H n × d Quality / kg DN D D1 H n × d Quality / kg
200 × 200 270 × 270 305 × 305 220 8 × φ18 40 200 305 270 220 9 × φ18 37
250 × 250 335 × 335 370 × 370 250 12 × φ18 48 250 370 335 250 12 × φ18 44
300 × 300 385 × 385 425 × 425 300 12 × φ18 54 300 425 385 300 12 × φ18 55
350 × 350 435 × 435 477 × 477 350 12 × φ18 67 350 477 435 350 12 × φ18 65
400 × 400 490 × 490 536 × 536 400 12 × φ18 85 400 536 490 400 12 × φ18 82
450 × 450 540 × 540 588 × 588 450 16 × φ18 99 450 588 540 450 16 × φ18 94
500 × 500 600 × 600 649 × 649 500 16 × φ18 112 500 649 600 500 16 × φ18 108
600 × 600 700 × 700 750 × 750 550 16 × φ18 152 600 750 700 550 16 × φ18 142
700 × 700 800 × 800 850 × 850 550 16 × φ22 204 700 850 800 550 16 × φ22 180
800 × 800 900 × 900 950 × 950 600 20 × φ22 228 800 950 900 600 20 × φ22 202

The previous:Vent valve
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