
Location:PRODUCTS >> Metallurgical valve >> Electromagnetic gas safety shut-off valve
Electromagnetic gas safety shut-off valve
Model: of DMF
Nominal diameter: DN100 ~ 1000mm
Nominal: PN0.1MPa
off time: one second
medium temperature: -20 ~ 180 ℃
ambient temperature: -20 ~ 60 ℃

First, DMF-type electromagnetic gas safety shut-off valve Description  : 
 DMF-type electromagnetic gas safety shut-off valve manufactured by the factory new generation of new products. Electromagnetic gas safety shut-off valve not only overcome the current domestic commonly used electric shut-off valve cut off the slow, complex control and other shortcomings, but also in the power outage can immediately cut off gas to ensure the safety of production. DMF-type electromagnetic gas safety shut-off valve is mainly composed of a combination of electromagnetic starter and butterfly valve with good sealing performance. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, convenient operation, reliable work, fast cutting speed and good sealing performance. Seal is generally oil-resistant rubber, PTFE seals can also provide special products. 
 Third, DMF-type electromagnetic gas safety shut-off valve size table:

DN D D1 D2 L L1 L2 H b Z-φd
100 205 170 145 120 360 250 550 14 4-18
150 260 225 200 145 410 250 590 16 8-18
200 315 280 255 145 465 250 640 18 8-18
250 370 335 310 180 520 250 690 22 12-18
300 435 395 362 180 580 300 740 22 12-23
350 485 445 412 200 630 300 790 22 12-23
400 535 495 462 200 680 300 840 22 16-23
450 590 550 518 200 740 300 880 24 16-23
500 640 600 568 270 780 300 930 24 16-23
600 755 705 670 270 895 400 1020 24 20-25
700 860 810 775 270 1010 400 1100 24 24-25
800 975 920 880 270 1125 400 1190 26 24-30
900 1075 1020 980 270 1225 400 1280 26 24-30
1000 1175 1120 1080 300 1345 400 1360 26  28-30

The previous:Top discharge valve
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