
Location:PRODUCTS >> Metallurgical valve >> Stick valve
Stick valve
Model: LB-I
Size: 300 300-2500 * 2500 *
Media: 50m or less particulate material
Temperature: ≤300 ℃

Bar Valve Overview
According to the building materials, mining, metallurgical and other industries on the small and medium-sized solid, bulk material feeding conveyor control, feeding and other process needs to develop a new type of gate for ≤ 500mm material control. The valve structure is simple, easy to operate, no jam, to overcome the flat gate valve material particles caused by the large opening and closing force, or even closed does not go into the situation. The valve is a single rod operation, so easy to operate, flexible, the overall structure of high-quality steel welding, rigid, invariance, long service life, no maintenance, is small and medium-sized crystal Zhuang, block Zhuang material control of the ideal equipment.

Rod valve works

The LB-I stick valve is mainly composed of a frame and a stick. When the stick is inserted into the frame, a group of sticks form a parallel grid plate, block the block material on the gate side, and if a grid plate is extracted, a bar Larger gap, the material can enter the gap from the other side of the gate, the number of extracted rod by the needs of the process to decide.

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