
Location:PRODUCTS >> Metallurgical valve >> Inlaid copper cast iron round gate
Inlaid copper cast iron round gate
Model: ZMY
Nominal diameter: DN300 ~ 1500mm
Nominal pressure: ≤ 0.1Mpa
Working Environment: -20 ℃ ~ 120 ℃
Medium: Water and Sewage
Main material: gray iron, ductile iron, steel

First, the cast iron cast iron round gate Product Overview:

Also known as cast iron round gate cast iron round gate, round gate, Xu Hui Industry and Trade is actively absorbing advanced structures and processes at home and abroad, and to improve the water supply and drainage and sewage treatment of the ideal equipment. Round gate manufacturing and processing in line with the Ministry of Construction CJ / T300-1992 standards and the United States AWWA standards. Widely used in municipal, petroleum, chemical, power plants, metallurgy, coal, light industry, food, pharmaceuticals, water conservancy, sewage treatment and other water supply and drainage projects. The nominal pressure of 0.1MPa below the intersection of the intersection of the mouth of the pit wells, sediment ponds, sewage channels, the original wells wells, clear water and other places, to cut off, clear the water flow or regulate the water level. And with manual, electric, hydraulic hoist combination supporting the use of field operations or remote control to achieve centralized control, but also with the computer linkage control.

Second, cast iron copper round gate Structural features:

Cast iron copper gate according to the shape and structure is divided into cast iron cupola copper gate and cast iron copper square gate, cast iron copper gate by the door frame, gate, rail, seal, adjustable sealing mechanism and other components. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, good sealing performance, strong abrasion resistance, simple operation, convenient installation, long service life, complete specifications and wide applicability. The utility model can be equipped with manual hoist or flashlight hoist according to customer's needs.

Third, the main components of cast iron copper round gate Material:

Part name Material Material standard
gate Gray cast iron, ductile iron, stainless steel GB9439-88 / GB1348-88 or GB12226-89 / GB12227-89 GB1220-84
Door frame Gray cast iron, ductile iron, stainless steel
guide Gray cast iron, ductile iron, stainless steel
Sealing surface Copper, rubber GB1176-87 or GB12225-89
Wedge Copper, rubber
Drive screw stainless steel GB1220-84
Hanging nut Aluminum bronze ZCuA110Fe3 GB1176-87
fastener 0Cr17Ni12Mo2,0Cr18Ni9Ti GB1220-84


Fourth, cast iron copper round gate shape connection size:

model Path DN A A1 B B1 C D1 E H b φd 4-φd1
ZMY-300 300 407 300 150 75 200 320 44 562 20 16 4-φ22
ZMY-400 400 524 400 206 122 256 420 51 750 25 20 4-φ25
ZMY-500 500 644 500 236 135 312 520 60 870 25 20 4-φ25
ZMY-600 600 764 600 255 152 368 620 60 983 25 20 4-φ26
ZMY-700 700 884 700 280 158 430 724 74 1262 30 25 4-φ28
ZMY-800 800 984 800 280 158 478 824 74 1392 30 25 4-φ28
ZMY-900 900 1105 900 340 170 525 928 105 1750 30 25 4-φ32
ZMY-1000 1000 1205 1000 370 190 590 1030 110 1828 35 30 4-φ32
ZMY-1200 1200 1425 1200 405 220 695 1232 115 2182 35 30 4-φ32
ZMY-1500 1500 1766 1500 425 225 840 1536 115 2933 80 30 4-φ32

The next:Cone valve
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