
Location:PRODUCTS >> Ceramic valve >> Thin ceramic slagging slurry valve
Thin ceramic slagging slurry valve
Model: PZ73TC
Nominal diameter: DN50 600mm ~
Pressure range: PN1.0Mpa products
Body Material: carbon steel, stainless steel, etc.
Temperature: ≤150 ℃
Medium: dry dust, water, steam and other media
Connection: Wafer

Product Overview
PZ73TC thin ceramic slurry discharge slurry valve for mining, paper, chemical and other types of wear and tear of dry dust, water, steam and other media in the pipeline for opening and closing purposes. Apply to the power plant dry ash system, warehouse pump discharge delivery valve sealing performance, wear resistance, start load, card ash and fouling phenomenon, long service life.

Hand-liquid ceramic slag discharge slurry valve is thin engineering ceramic slagging slurry valve, which is designed for solid-liquid two-phase flow medium pipeline design and manufacture, not only the use of toughened engineering ceramics as off Off and anti-throttling erosion of the main material. At the same time, it is designed with the structure of anti-throttling scouring as the purpose to meet the dual-use function of such medium pipe's cut-off or cut-off + throttling. After years of proven, compared with ordinary slagging slurry valve life has been greatly improved. Hand-liquid ceramic slurry discharge slurry valve for small workplace or installation orientation is not suitable for hand wheel opening and closing valve installation. 

Thin ceramic slag slurry valve Scope of application

1 , mining, steel industry - for coal, filter pulp pulp and so on. 
2 , purification device - for waste water, mud, dirt and clarified water with suspended solids. 
3 , paper industry - for any concentration of pulp, water mixture. 
4 , power plant ash - for the ash slurry. 

Thin Ceramic Slag Slurry Valve Working Principle
Hand Pneumatic Thin Engineering Ceramic Slurry Slurry Valve is used to install the hand wheel opening and closing valve position due to the small working area or the installation orientation. Hand-hydraulic thin ceramic slurry tank valve directly driven by the handle to achieve the valve opening and closing, on-site installation should take into account the operator's ease of operation and standing safety.

PZ73TC thin ceramic slag slurry valve features

1, sealing surface material: structural ceramics or superhard surface alloy materials two. 
2, suitable for cinder, ash and other gas, solid mixed media, gate, valve seat and flow path parts made of structural ceramics, wear resistance, long life. 
3, superior sealing performance, and sealing surface repair. 
4, imported seat can be used for scraping ash board, even in the case of ash off also freely. 
5, the body cavity structure completely avoid the jamming, fouling problem. 
6, drive mode: manual, pneumatic and electric and so on.

The main components of the material

Serial number name material Serial number name material
1 Body WCB 9 Valve stem 2Cr13
2 Seat Engineering ceramics 10 Bracket WCB
3 Valve plate 304 + engineering ceramics 11 Stem nut T
4 filler PTEE 12 Bearing
5 Threaded studs 35 13 Handwheel Ht200
6 washer 10 14 Bearing gland 35
7 Nut 25 15 Hand wheel lock nut Q235A
8 Packing gland WCB


Application specification          

Design and manufacture JB / T 8691
Connector size Structure length GB / T 15188.2
Flange size GB / T 9113.1
Inspection and testing GB / T JB / T8691
material Carbon steel GB / T12229
Sign GB / T12220
Availability GB / 12252


Thin Ceramic Slag Slurry Valve construction and installation points
1 , hand-hydraulic thin ceramic slurry valve should be installed before inspection valve cavity and sealing surface and other parts, do not allow dirt or sand adhesion 
2 , the connection parts bolts, requirements Uniform tightening 
3 , check the packing parts require compression, both to ensure that the packing seal, but also to ensure that the gate open flexible; 
4 ,User before installing the valve, the valve must be calibrated model, medium flow connection dimensions and attention to ensure consistency with the requirements of the valve; 
5 , the user at the time of installing the valve, the valve must be set aside space necessary for driving; 
6 , drive means shall wiring Circuit diagram; 
7 , hand-moving thin ceramic slurry valve slurry valve must be regularly maintained, not free to impact and squeeze, so as not to affect the seal. 

Thin Ceramic Slag Slurry Valve Installation and Maintenance Notes
1 , hand wheel, the handle and the transmission are not allowed to lift, and no collision. 
2 , double gate valve should be mounted vertically ( ie stem in a vertical position , the hand wheel at the top ) . 3 , with bypass valve gate valve should be opened before opening the bypass valve ( to balance the pressure difference between import and export and reduce the opening force ) . 4 , with the gear valve, according to the instructions of the product installation instructions. 5 , if the valve is often used switch , lubrication at least once a month. 

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