
Location:PRODUCTS >> Ceramic valve >> Clamp ceramic check valve
Clamp ceramic check valve
Model: H72TC
Nominal pressure: 1.0MPa-1.6MPa
Nominal diameter: DN50-DN600mm
Temperature: -40 ℃ ~ + 425 ℃
Connection: Wafer
Material: Carbon steel
Medium: Water
Standard: GB
Flow direction: unidirectional
Operating temperature: room temperature

Product Overview 
        Clamp check valve, also known as one-way valve or check valve, its role is to prevent pipeline backflow of media. Water pump off the bottom valve also belongs to the check valve category. Opening and closing parts by the media flow and strength to open or close their own to prevent media backflow valve called the check valve. Check valves are automatic valves, mainly used for medium flow of one-way pipe, only allow medium to flow in one direction to prevent accidents. Check valve according to the structure, can be divided into lifting check valve, swing check valve and butterfly check valve three. Lift check valve can be divided into vertical and horizontal two. Swing check valve is divided into single-valve, double-valve and multi-valve three. Butterfly check valve is straight-through, the above types of check valve in the connection form can be divided into thread connection, flange connection and welding three. Products are widely used in petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, power industry and other conditions of the pipeline. 

1, valve identification and valve seat are made of high-performance ceramic structure toughened. 
2, the product is hand-line gate structure. Sealed, easy opening and closing, easy maintenance. 
3, This product has high wear resistance, erosion resistance and other characteristics. 
4, suitable for water pipe installation. Solenoid valve  

applicable conditions 

apply to electricity, coal, chemicals, steel mills, sewage and other industries. Slag water mixture, slag water ratio> 1: 6, solid particle size ≤ 50 mm.

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