
Location:PRODUCTS >> Hydraulic control valve >> Quickly exhaust air valve
Quickly exhaust air valve
Model: KP-10
Nominal diameter: DN50 ~ 200mm
Nominal: PN0.6 ~ 2.5MPa
Suitable medium: water, sewage
Drive medium: water, air
Temperature: 0 ~ 80 ℃
Flange Standard: GB / T l 7241 6 GB / T 911 3
Test Standard: GB / T 3927 APL 598

KP-10 quick exhaust valve Overview:

KP-10 / P42X fast row (into) the valve is suitable for working medium for the water pipeline, in order to improve the efficiency of water delivery equipment and protection of the pipeline is not deformed and rupture, is the necessary equipment of the pipeline. The quick exhaust valve is used to vent the pressured water line.


Fast exhaust gas main features:

1, to exclude the gas pipeline, feeding resistance, energy conservation. 
 2, exhaust capacity is double the number of common dual-port exhaust valve. 
 3, when the pipeline negative pressure, the product can quickly and automatically inhale, to prevent pipe rupture. 
 4, the float is stainless steel, long life, safe and reliable.


Quick exhaust gas Technical parameters:

 1, the use of medium: water 
 2, temperature: 0-80 ℃ 
 3, the shell temperature test pressure: 
 4, the body material: cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel 
 5, the float: stainless steel


Quick exhaust gas main dimensions:

Nominal diameter (mm)

Size (mm)
H D D0 D1 D1 Z-фd
50 270 160 200 125 125 4-14
65 270 180 200 145 145 4-18
80 330 195 230 160 160 4-18
100 350 215 250 180 180 8-18
150 450 280 300 240 240 8-23
200 470 335 330 295 295 8-23

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