
Location:PRODUCTS >> Hydraulic control valve >> Slow silencer closing check valve
Slow silencer closing check valve
Model: HH49X, HDH48X, HH46X
Nominal pressure: PN1.0 ~ 2.5MPa
Nominal diameter: DN40 ~ 1000mm
slow closing time: 3 to 60 seconds
Suitable medium: water, sewage, water
Temperature: 0 ~ 80 ℃ (if necessary ,
Up to 200 ℃) Flange standard: GB / T 17241.6 GB / T 9113
Test standards: GB / T 13927 AP1598

Slow damping valve closing features

Slow closing check valve muffler can be used in water, sewage, sea water and other media of the drainage pipes, both to prevent the media back, but also effectively limit the destructive water hammer to ensure the safety of the use of the pipeline. Microporous retarded butterfly check valve has the advantages of novel structure, small volume, light weight, small fluid resistance, reliable sealing, smooth opening and closing, wear resistance, long service life, hydraulic pressure and slow closing without media influence. Good energy-saving effect and so on.


Slow closing silencer slow closing the main parts of the material

Part Name Body Disc Stem, cylinder, piston, spring Seat
material Cast iron, cast steel Carbon steel stainless steel Nitrile rubber


Slow-closing muffler slow check the main technical parameters

model Nominal pressure test pressure proper temperature Suitable media Slow closing time
case seal
1.0 1.5 1.1 ≤80 ℃ Water, sewage, sea water ≤60 seconds
1.6 2.4 1.76
2.5 3.75 2.75


Slow closing silencer slow main dimensions

Nominal diameter size Nominal diameter size
L H H1 L H H1
40 140 200 88 350 290 480 297
50 150 215 98 400 310 550 324
65 170 225 108 450 330 585 351
80 180 235 118 500 350 640 379
100 190 280 130 600 390 720 434
125 200 290 148 700 430 780 491
150 210 310 172 800 470 840 549
200 230 350 210 900 510 990 600
250 250 415 240 1000 550 1050 655
300 270 450 264 1200 630 1210 770

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