
Location:PRODUCTS >> Hydraulic control valve >> Slow closing check valve
Slow closing check valve
Model: 300X
Nominal diameter: DN20 ~ 450mm
Nominal pressure: PN1.0 ~ 2.5MPa
Medium: Water
Temperature: 0 ~ 80 ℃
Flange Standard: GB / T17241.6, GB / T9113
Test Standard: GB / T13927 , API598

300X slow closing check valve is installed in the high-rise building water supply system and other water supply pump outlet, to prevent media backflow, water hammer and water hammer phenomenon of intelligent valves. The valve combines electric valve, check valve and water hammer eliminator three functions, which can effectively improve the water supply system safety and reliability. And will slow open, fast closed, slowly closed to eliminate the technical principle of water hammer integration, to prevent open pump water hammer and pump water hammer. Just operate the pump motor hoist button, the valve can be automatically opened and closed in accordance with the pump operating procedures, flow, pressure loss, for the following 600 caliber valves.

300X slow-closing check valve by the main valve, one-way valve, needle valve, ball valve, microfilter and pressure gauge composed of hydraulic control system. The use of hydraulic automatic operation, the main valve can be opened or closed speed. Optional 300X slow closing check valve can prevent water Chung blows produced in order to achieve the effect of slow closing silencer. The hydraulic control valve products use hydraulic self-control, does not require other devices and energy, easy maintenance, open and slow and steady closure. 300X slow closing check valve series valve products are widely used in high-rise buildings, living areas and other water supply pipe network systems and urban water supply projects.

300X slow-closing check valve scope

Current hydraulic control valves are widely used in petrochemical, chemical, gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, HVAC industry and general industry.

300X slow closing check valve works

When water is supplied from the inlet side, the water passes through the microfilter, the needle valve, the check valve into the main valve control room and then through the ball valve to the downstream. Because the needle valve opening is less than the ball valve opening, that is, the main valve control room drainage speed greater than the inlet speed, so the control room pressure decreases, acting on the main valve plate inlet pressure to open the main valve to the downstream water supply. When the pipeline stops water supply, if the downstream water starts to flow back, a part of the backflow water enters the main control room through the ball valve. Due to the function of the one-way valve, the backflow water can not flow out from the main control room, causing the main control room to gradually increase pressure and gradually close the main valve .

The main form of connection size

DN 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
L 150 160 180 200 203 216 241 292 330 356 495 622 698 787 914 978
H1 106 106 106 137 137 145 178 232 286 318 413 502 600 638 677 677
H 172 172 172 225 225 270 289 375 420 570 722 769 906 1025 1027 1027

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