
Location:PRODUCTS >> Drain valve >> Thermal static bellows steam traps
Thermal static bellows steam traps
Model: STF-C
Nominal diameter: DN15 ~ 100mm
Nominal: PN0.05 ~ 1.6MPa
Materials: forged steel, stainless steel, titanium steel, chromium molybdenum steel, low temperature steel
Operation: manual
Design specifications: GB / T 9093
Construction Length: GB / T 12250
Threaded connection: ISO 228
Flange connection: JB / T 79, GB 9113, ANSI B16.34
Test and Inspection: GB / T 13927

Structural characteristics of thermostatic bellows steam traps

 1, the drainage temperature can be adjusted between 70-100 degrees, easy to use. 
 2, to prevent the discharge of high temperature condensate water, to maintain the steam pipeline heat. 
 3, continuous emissions, no noise. Small fluctuations in steam pressure have no effect on use. 
 4, simple structure, easy installation, free. 
 5, by increasing the diameter of the corrugated pipe to increase the amount of condensate arrangement. 
 6, with good emptying performance, not afraid of freezing. Zero leakage, back pressure rate of 75% or more.


Thermostatic bellows steam trap main technical parameters

Product number Nominal diameter Connection method use pressure The maximum
Dimensions reference weight
L H1 H2 W
YSF-A 15-20 
Thread 0.05-1.6 220 125
YSF-A 32-50 Thread 0.05-1.6 220 150     55 
YSF-B 15-25 Flange 0.05-1.6 220 140     95 
YSF-B 32-50 Flange 0.05-1.6 220 160     135
YTF-A-16C 15-20 
Thread 0.05-1.6 220 155 40 75 45 1.6
32-50 195 55 100 78 3.4
STF-B-16C 15-20 
Thread 0.05-1.6 220 95 
110 30 55 2.8
155 40 60 4.2
STF-C-16C 15-20 
Flange 0.05-1.6 220 150
180 50 55 

210 70 150 26


Thermal static bellows steam trap drainage

Model / Size Steam trap working pressure (△ t) .kg / cm2
CS14 / STB / STC 0.5 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 16
△ t35 500 780 800 900 950 980 1000 1050 1100
△ t25 300 400 460 500 540 700 780 800 860
△ t15 180 200 250 280 310 350 400 450 520

 1, △ t for the difference between the discharge temperature and saturated condensate temperature, the temperature (△ t) increases, the displacement increases. 
 2, the valve factory hydrophobic temperature has been adjusted at 95 or so, if you want to change the hydrophobic temperature or displacement, the valve can be adjusted to rotate the top of the screw. Turn the spool clockwise to reduce the amount of hydrophobic and reduce the hydrophobic temperature. When the valve is rotated counterclockwise and the spool is retracted, the hydrophobic amount increases and the hydrophobic temperature increases. Tighten the lock nut after adjustment. 
 3, the pressure difference is the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the trap, displacement refers to the amount of steam condensate discharged continuously in a unit hour.

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