
Location:PRODUCTS >> Flame arrester and breathing valve >> Recycle the breather valve to take over the breather valve
Recycle the breather valve to take over the breather valve
Model: HXF
Nominal diameter: DN20-300mm
Working pressure: PN0.6-6.4MPa
Working temperature: -20 ℃ ~ 425 ℃
Pressure Level: 180-30 mmH
Main material: carbon steel, stainless steel, cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel, aluminum
Connection: flange

Recycling Breather Valve Takeover Breather Valve Overview

According to the national standard "Code for Fire Protection Design of Petrochemical Enterprises" (GB50160-92), "A and B liquid fixed roof tanks shall be equipped with flame arrestors and breathing valves." Visible breathing valve, flame arrester is an indispensable storage tank safety facilities. Not only does it maintain the pressure balance of the tank, it ensures that the tank is protected from overpressure or vacuum and reduces the volatility and loss of media in the tank. Our company produces breathing valve, with a compact structure, ventilation, leakage, small, good sealing performance.

Recycle Breathing Valve Take over the breath valve features

1, corrosion resistance: polypropylene has excellent chemical resistance, for inorganic compounds, regardless of acid, alkali, salt solution, in addition to strong oxidizing materials, almost no damage to its role until almost 100 ℃, almost all solvents At room temperature are not dissolved, generally alkane, diameter, alcohol, phenol, aldehydes, ketones and other media can be used.

2, temperature resistance: polypropylene plastic melting point of 164-174 ℃, so the general use temperature up to 110-125 ℃.

3, non-toxic: no scaling, no pollution medium, can also be used in the food industry.

4, light weight: very easy to install and maintain the equipment

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