
Location:PRODUCTS >> Flame arrester and breathing valve >> Multi-functional fire breathing valve
Multi-functional fire breathing valve
Model: GFD / FQ
Nominal: PN1.0-4.0MPa
Operating temperature: -40-400 ℃
Nominal diameter: DN15-300
Connection: flange, thread
Main material: 304,316,304 L, 316L,
SS316, WCB, CF3, CF8, cast steel, stainless steel and so on

Product Overview
GFD / FQ multi-functional fire breathing valve is installed in the fixed storage tank overhead ventilation device. To reduce evaporation loss of oil and other liquids, control the pressure on the tank to prevent tank overpressure or super vacuum damage to the tank. GFD / FQ multi-functional fire breathing valve can also prevent the introduction of the role of the external flame. GFD / FQmulti-functional fire breathing valve suitable medium for oil, petrochemical materials, etc., is also suitable for cold areas, the operating pressure of the breathing valve are rigorously tested before leaving the factory, the user may not arbitrarily change or change the valve plate weight. Types of single-valve, single suction valve, breathing valve, a variety of structural forms can be combined with the flame arrester structure, but also the preparation of the required take over.

Operating pressure

Level A pressure: 355Pa (36 mm water column) the negative pressure: 295Pa (30 mm water column) 
Class B pressure: 980Pa (100 mm of water) negative pressure: 295Pa (30 mm water column) 
C stage pressure: 1765Pa (180 mm water column ) Negative pressure: 295Pa (30mm water column)

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