
Location:PRODUCTS >> Anticorrosive valve >> DC diaphragm valve
DC diaphragm valve
Model: G45J
Nominal diameter: DN25 ~ 300mm
Nominal: PN0.6 ~ 1.6Mpa
Operation: manual, worm gear, pneumatic, electric
Temperature: ≤120 ℃
Main material: cast iron, cast steel

G45J Liner DC diaphragm valve structure features
1, the elastic seal of the opening and closing pieces to ensure that no internal leakage; 
2, streamlined runner, making the pressure loss is small; 
3, there is no stuffing box, so there is no leakage; 
4, the valve body And the cover is separated by the middle diaphragm, so that the valve cover above the diaphragm, valve stem parts from erosion of the medium; 
5, the diaphragm can be replaced, low maintenance costs; 
6, the diversity of lining material can be applied to a variety of media, and has Good corrosion resistance. 

G45J Liner Diaphragm valve main dimensions and weight

Nominal pressure 
Working pressure 
25 0.6 0.6 145 115 85 4-14 2 178 190 120
32 160 140 100 4-18 2 196 217 140
40 180 150 110 4-18 3 196 217 140 14
50 210 165 125 4-18 3 219 240 200 20
65 250 185 145 4-18 3 264 272 200 29
80 300 200 160 4-18 3 285 315 280 42
100 350 220 180 8-18 3 352 383 320 61
125 400 250 210 8-18 3 470 515 320 79.5
150 0.4 460 285 240 8-22 3 508 554 400 150
200 570 340 295 8-22 4 602 660 500 236.5
250 680 395 350 12-22 4 708 786 500
300 790 445 400 12-22 4

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