
Location:PRODUCTS >> Butterfly valve >> Electric Flange Soft Seal Butterfly Valve
Electric Flange Soft Seal Butterfly Valve
Model: D941X
Nominal diameter: DN50 ~ 1000mm
Nominal: PN0.6 ~ 4.0MPa
Suitable medium: water, steam, oil, acids and other corrosive
Body material: steel, 304
Drive: electric, pneumatic, manual
Design criteria: GB / T12238-1989
Flange size: GB / T9113.1-2000; GB / T9113.2-2000 GB / T9115.1-2000; GB / T9115.2-2000
Length of the structure: GB / T12221 -1989
Pressure test: GB / T13927-1992; JB / T9092-1999

D941X series electric flanged soft sealing butterfly valve products are made of rubber sealing butterfly valve and carbon steel or stainless steel valve plate and valve stem. For temperature ≤ 120 ℃ Such as textile, paper, food, medicine, chemicals, petroleum, electricity, water supply and drainage, gas pipeline for regulating the role of flow and interception of the media.

 1, powerful: intelligent, regulatory, switching. 
 2, small size: the volume is only equivalent to about 35% of similar products. 
 3, easy to use: single-phase power supply, wiring is simple; using the original spherical bulge structure, so that more convenient observation; free refuel point inspection, waterproof anti-rust, any angle installation. 
 4, double limit protection device, overheat protection, overload protection. Full trip time 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 60 seconds. And with manual function

 Technical Parameters
Nominal diameter DN (mm) 50 ~ 1000
Nominal pressure PN (MPa) 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0
test pressure Strength test 0.9 1.5 2.4 3.75 6.0
Seal test 0.66 1.1 1.76 2.75 4.4
Gas seal test 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Suitable media Water, steam, oil, acid corrosive and so on.

 The main dimensions and weight (PN1.0 / 1.6MPa)

A B C D D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 L L1 L2 nd a f n-d1 Weight 
WT (kg)
50 83 130 20 52.9 125 165 99 57.15 65 108 111 32 4-19 90 ° 3 4-7 7.6
65 93 145 20 64.5 145 185 118 57.15 65 112 115 32 4-19 90 ° 3 4-7 9.7
80 100 155 22 78.8 160 20 132 69.85 65 114 117 32 8-19 45 ° 3 4-7 10.6
100 114 170 24 104 180 220 156 69.85 90 127 130 32 8-19 45 ° 3 4-10 13.8
125 125 190 26 123.3 210 250 184 69.85 90 140 143 32 8-19 45 ° 3 4-10 18.2
150 143 205 26 155.6 240 285 211 88.9 90 140 143 32 8-23 45 ° 3 4-10 21.7
200 170 235 26 202.5 295 340 266 88.9 125 152 155 45 8-23 
45 ° / 30 ° 3 4-14 31.8
250 198 280 28 250.5 350/355 395/405 319 107.95 125 165 168 45 12-23 
30 ° 3 4-14 44.7
300 223 310 28 301.5 400/410 445/460 370 107.95 150 178 182 45 12-23 
30 ° 4 4-14 57.9
350 279 340 30 333.3 460/470 505/520 429 158.75 150 190 194 45 16-23 
22.5 ° 4 4-14 81.6
400 300 375 32 389.6 515/525 565/580 480 158.75 175 216 221 51.2 / 72 16-28 
22.5 ° 4 4-20.6 106
450 345 430 32 440.5 565/585 615/640 530 158.75 175 222 227 51.2 / 72 20-28 
18 ° 4 4-20.6 147
500 355 500 34 491.6 620/650 670/715 582 215.9 210 229 234 52.75 / 77.5 20-26 
18 ° 4 4-20.6 165
600 410 560 36 592.5 725/770 780/840 682 254 210 267 272 70.2 / 82 20-31 
18 ° 5 4-22 235
700 478 620 40 695 840 895/910 794 254 300 292 299 66/82 24-31 
15 ° 5 8-18 338
800 529 620 44 794.7 950 1015/1025 901 254 300 318 325 66/82 24-34 
15 ° 5 8-18 475
900 584 665 46 864.7 1050 1115/1125 1001 254 350 330 338 118 28-34 
12.9 ° 5 8-22 595
1000 657 735 50 965 1160/1170 1230/1255 1112 254 350 410 417 141 28-37 
12.9 ° 5 8-22 794

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