
Location:PRODUCTS >> Butterfly valve >> Close the valve quickly
Close the valve quickly
Model: YKD type D743H
Nominal diameter: DN150 ~ 2000mm
Nominal: PN2.5 ~ 40.0MPa
Medium: steam, blast furnace gas, water, gas, air, oil, etc.
Medium temperature: ≤600 ℃
Design and manufacture: GB12238
Flange connection: GB / T9113, GB / T17241.6
Structure length: GB12221
Pressure test: GB / T13927, JB / T9092

Product description

Products are mainly used in turbine extraction pipelines, blast furnace gas pressure generating device into the gas pipeline and other high-level safety control system for urgent emergency off valve: in the system crisis conditions or accidents, in 0.3-0.5 Seconds to try an emergency off the moment the valve to achieve a reliable medium for the pipeline to effectively prevent the steam turbine tail steam and condensate back or cut off the gas pipeline to protect the safety turbine unit. The introduction of this product to introduce advanced foreign fast shut-off valve function, and technical optimization and improvement, additional buffer device to avoid inertial impact, product performance more reliable, and extend the service life of the valve.

 1, using the optimized three-dimensional structure of the eccentric metal seal, high temperature anti-jamming, open and close easily and completely avoid the traditional metal seal contacting the valve abrasion ills; 
 2, reliable sealing, zero leakage seal test; 
 3, direct Rack and pinion piston drive, compact structure, 3 ° closed buffer design, constant torque opening and closing, reliable action; 
 4, integral or split electro-hydraulic control device, easy installation.


The main dimensions (PN = 2.5MPa)

DN L D D1 b n d B1 B2 B3 B4 H1 H2 H0
200 152 320 280 24 8 19 128 150 880 1340 176 481 887
250 165 375 335 26 12 19 128 150 880 1340 210 518 958
300 178 440 395 26 12 23 128 150 880 1340 238 577 1045
350 190 490 445 26 12 23 135 160 1066 1722 270 617 1140
400 216 540 495 26 16 23 135 160 1066 1722 302 659 1214
450 222 595 550 28 16 23 135 160 1066 1722 332 678 1263
500 229 645 600 28 20 23 180 205 1380 2220 370 738 1370
600 267 755 705 30 20 28 180 205 1380 2220 432 827 1521
700 292 860 810 30 24 28 180 205 1380 2220 470 875 1607
800 318 975 920 32 24 31 195 220 1550 2510 530 953 1763
900 330 1075 1020 34 24 31 195 220 1550 2510 580 1000 1860
1000 410 1175 1120 34 28 31 195 220 1550 2510 650 1092 2022
1200 470 1405 1340 38 32 34 221 250 1745 2777 765 1238 2307
1400 530 1630 1560 42 36 37 221 250 1745 2777 890 1319 2513
1600 600 1830 1760 46 40 37 221 250 1745 2777 1010 1429 2743

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