
Location:PRODUCTS >> Gate valve >> Bevel gear gate valve
Bevel gear gate valve
Product model: Z541H
Nominal diameter: DN50 ~ 1600mm
Nominal pressure: 1.0MPa ~ 16.0MPa
Main material: steel, cast iron, stainless steel
Design and manufacture: GB12234
Flange dimensions: JB / T79 GB89113
Structural length: GB12221
Inspection and testing: JB / T9092

First, Z541H bevel gear gate overview

Bevel gear gate valve with fluid resistance, suitable pressure, temperature range and so on, is one of the most commonly used cut-off valve, used to cut off or connect the media in the pipeline through the use of different materials, can be applied to water , Steam, oil, nitric acid, acetic acid, strong oxidizing medium and urea and other media, the drive mode is manual, bevel gear drive and electric.

Second, Z541H bevel gear valve structure characteristics

① meet the requirements of advanced standards at home and abroad, reliable sealing, excellent performance.

② The full range of valve materials, packing, gasket can be reasonable according to the actual conditions or user requirements matching can be applied to a variety of pressure, temperature and media conditions.

③ using wedge-type flexible gate structure, large diameter set rolling bearings, opening and closing easily.

④ can adopt a variety of pipe flange standard and flange sealing surface type, to meet the needs of various projects and user requirements.

⑤ developed a PN1.0MPa low-pressure carbon steel gate valve, iron gate valve can be replaced to effectively solve the cast iron gate valve housing easy to crack, easy to fall off the gate, stem easy to rust, sealing performance is not reliable and so on.

⑥ developed PN1.0MPa series of low-pressure stainless steel gate valve can be applied to a variety of corrosive media conditions, reduce costs and save materials.

Third, Z541H bevel gear valve dimensions

Convex flange 


DN L D D1 D2 b Z-φd H Do
50 180 160 125 100 16 4-φ18 358 240
65 195 180 145 120 18 4-φ18 373 240
80 210 195 160 135 50 4-φ18 435 280
100 230 215 180 155 50 8-φ18 500 300
125 255 245 210 185 55 8-φ18 614 320
150 280 280 240 210 25 8-φ23 674 320
200 330 335 295 265 26 8-φ23 818 400
250 380 390 350 320 26 12-φ23 969 450
300 420 440 400 368 26 12-φ23 1145 500
350 450 500 460 428 26 16-φ23 1280 500
400 480 565 515 482 26 16-φ25 1452 560
450 510 645 565 532 28 20-φ25 1541 600
500 540 670 620 585 28 20-φ25 1676 640
600 600 780 725 685 30 20-φ30 1874 720
700 660 895 840 800 32 24-φ30 2083 800
800 720 1010 950 905 34 24-φ34 2400 950
900 780 1110 1050 1005 36 28-φ34 2950 1000
100 840 1220 1160 1115 38 28-φ34 3245 1000
1200 960 1450 1380 1325 40 32-φ41 3850 1100
1400 1080 1675 1590 1525 42 36-φ48 3980 1200
1600 1000 1915 1820 1750 46 40-φ54 4120 1300

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