
Location:PRODUCTS >> Gate valve >> Titanium gate valve
Titanium gate valve
Model: Z11W-16A, Z11W-25A, Z11W-40A, Z11W-64A, Z11W-100A, Z40W-16A, Z40W-25A, Z40W-40A, Z40W-64A, Z40W-100A, Z41W-16A, Z41W-25A , Z41W-40A, Z41W-64A , Z41W-100A
nominal: PN1.0 ~ 16.0Mpa 
nominal diameter: DN15 ~ 1000mm
medium: oxidizing corrosive
design criteria: GB / T12234
length of the structure: GB / T12221
connection flange : HG, GB, JB
test standards: JB / T9092, GB / T13927

Titanium gate valve can be mainly used in sulfuric acid, resistant to the boiling point and higher than the boiling point, the concentration of sulfuric acid below 70% of the medium; in acetic acid can be resistant to 250 ℃ below the various concentrations of acetic acid medium, which almost Corrosion; in a variety of concentrations of alkali solution and molten alkali medium is a unique corrosion-resistant materials. 

Titanium gate valve features:
1, titanium gate valve structure is compact, well-designed, valve rigidity, channel smooth, flow Yin small coefficient. 
2, titanium gate valve with flexible graphite and PTFE packing, reliable sealing, light and flexible operation. 
3, the driving mode sub-manual, electric, gear gas transmission. 
4, the structure: flexible wedge single gate, rigid wedge single gate and double gate form.

The previous:Period
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